Research and Planning: Website Hompage - 'Angels' Share'
We used a Ken Loach film as research into social realist film website homepages. He is broadly known for his expertism in social realism. We used 'Angels' Share' as an example for our homepage because of the fact it is one of Loach's more recent creations therefore providing us with up to date conventions of this product. We we enjoyed the way in which the trailer was presented straight away with an image displaying the characters, as the background. (We are aware this website is presented in German, however we struggled to find the English version). The title is large and clear making it easy for audiences' attention to be instantly drawn to this. The colour used is also bold and bright influencing a lighter tone to the product.
There is a page which provides audiences with the logos of the institutions which worked on this film. We want to base our ideas on a similar concept but include more background information on them to attempt to provide a foundation for perspective audiences.
This is important because they can understand certain aspects of the film and see how the institution corresponds with the film itself. This is also a way in which we can develop norms and conventions of existing products.
What also stood out for us within this website, was the use of vivid colours. For a gritty, social realist genre of film, it seems ironic to use bolder colours which ultimately represent happier connotations. We want to ultimately expand on the idea of using bright colours within our products so that similar delusions can be made. Life is not always straight forward and the harsh realities of this may come as a surprise during the film. This is exactly what entices an audience. The 'shock factor' produces strong effects on the audience and ultimately reinforces the gritty tone to the film as a whole.
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