Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Primary Research- Interview

We interviewed Jack Breckall before we made the film, in order to gain more of an insight into the film genre of social realism. In the interview we asked him some questions about our ideas, to gain some feedback and use him as an example of the genreal public. Jack is 17 years old, and based on our ideas, it's this age range that will be our target audience.

Us: "Hello Jack, we are making a social realist trailer for our Media coursewok at A-Level. We have handed out the questionnaires and gained some interesting feedback. We were thinking of calling our film 'Subsidence'-what do you think?"

Jack: "I've actually never heard of this word before, but it sounds very catchy and unique. What does it mean?"

Us:" Well, to subside you lower yourself and in relation to our film, its about a young girl and how she her lowers herself through drugs, and in terms of class. This is due to her boyfriends addiction and his influence on her- therefore she subsides from her middle class to lower class and also in terms of her emotion."

Jack: "Oh, I get it now. Well thats a real clever way to use the title to represent the events in the film or trailer. It's catchy and from what I know, there isnt a film out with this name or one that has this exact storyline. "

Us: "No, you're right. This is what we carefully considered in making the trailer and devloping the plot. Moving on to the additions to the trailer, do you think a soundtrack is vital to a film of this genre, or infact, and genre?"

Jack: "Well, I actually have watched social realist films before and I really like them, Shifty being a personal favourite. I really like the soundtrack to Shifty, especially in the trailer. I think the soundtrack is crucially important in the making of a trailer, and it added to the appeal of the film in general, well, in my own personal opinion. So, the answer to your question would be a concrete Yes!! And that applies to all films really."

Us: "Yes, we have researched into Shify and other social realist films, and we found the soundtrack to really help create an atmosphere. What genre of music would you associate with the soundtrack though?"

Jack: "I would avoid pop and classical, and focus on Drum and Bass. If it has a beat, it helps the pace of the trailer flow and this helps keeps the audiences attention. Does that help?"

Us: "Yes, very much. We actually agree with you 100% in the way you talk about the pace having to flow. One last question, what sort of areas/locations would you associate with a social realist film/trailer?"

Jack: "Well, I noticed in Shifty there was a lot of flats and subways etc. These are common areas that seem to be associated with the working class, and that would apply to your film. Also, old warehouses, drug dens and working class estates. Of course, there is the idea of graffiti walls you have to consider."

Us: "Yes, thanks for your time Jack. This has been very helpful in conducting our primary research. It has been very useful"

Jack: "No problem, see you around".

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