In order for us to fully understand and produce a realistic representation of a social realist genre and film, we have looked at existing social realist film trailers, posters and websites. This has enabled us to use and develop the codes and conventions of these existing products within our own work.
For example, 'Fish Tank' is a social realist film directed by Andrea Arnold. We watched the film from start to finish, and then looked at the trailer afterwards. We thought that by doing it this way, we could understand why and how the trailer was constructed the way it was. This allowed us to witness which aspects of the film were included in the trailer and what effect was created from this. We found that aspects of the most dramatic and intense clips, out of the entire film, were deliberately included within the trailer. This ultimately created suspense and captures attention straight away. This then allows audiences to be curious and intrigued as to what series of events has led to this. The mise-en-scene included within the film and the trailer also presents the genre straight away, it is very clear and allows no room for misunderstanding. The use of editing and mise-en-scene have the ability to connect the film to its audience. This is done within the trailer to attract the correct audience to see the film. This is done effectively by being able to relate to the audience through characters, costume, locations, relationships etc. aswell as the fast cuts bewtween shots and the suspense this builds. This forms a connection between the institution and the audience which can ultimately promote upcoming and future films from the same institutions. We wish to offer a similar representation of the genre aswell as our film as a whole within our film trailer.

We also looked at the advertising and promotion products which were created for 'Fish Tank'. The poster which is presented above, provided us with a basis and guideline for our Ancillary Products. What instantly stood out for us, was the colour scheme of the text along with the illusion that this was within the mise-en-scene instead of being super-imposed onto the image seperately. This automatically connects the two aspects together and allows the product to emphasise the realism of the overall tone. In other words, it does not follow the same conventions of blockbuster Hollywood movies, where the glossy film posters tend to provide information about the films by putting text
on top of an image rather than
in the image. ('The Dark Night' film poster on right is example of this). This provides the audience with the idea that our world and the world of the film are the same, reinforcing the gritty realism. This is also done by anchoring the colour scheme of the text with the colours within the scene of the image. The colours seem to represent immaturity (Baby pink and Baby blue). However, the wall that the text is presented on seems old and worn away. There are stains and rips in the wallpaper which emphasise the idea that 'Mia' (the main character who is presented within this poster) is growing up and getting too old for her old life.This is reinforced through the way the character is looking away from the scene, out of (what appears to be) a window. We assume that it is a window through the use of lighting on her face and this interpretation is reinforced through her body language and facial expression. It would seem that she is looking unhappy with her current situation and is ambitious in terms of changing her lifestyle. Again, we feel that strong links are made between the film and it's audiences. This is done through the overall presentation as many young people may be able to realte to this. We feel that 'Mia' is presented in a way which allows people of a similar age, class or situation to be able to realte to her which makes the film much more personal. By doing this, the institution has therefore made strong links with their audiences whcih ultimately provides a much more personal response to be made from this.
We have gained massively from looking at existing products, the aspects which have been very appealing and unique have guided our planning and research as we feel that these specific points are successful with executing the genre as well as effective promotional and advertising products for the film.
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