Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Reseacrh and Planning: Scripts for the film

Bench Scene
(Lizzie and Ty sitting on a bench in a public park)

Lizzie: (Looking confused) Whats going on?

Ty: (Pauses, long hesitation) Nothin'

Lizzie: (Looking curious) Look at me

Door Scene
(Raplh walks up to door, we see his reflectin but not his face!)

(Ralph knocks aggressively on the door, Ty answers)

Ralph:  Alright Tyrone (Deep, mysterious voice)

(Ty slams door and Ralph bangs louder on the door to get his attention)

Kitchen Scene
(Lizzie and Ty are in Lizzie's kitchen arguing about Ty's addiction)

Lizzie: (Extremely angry) I just don't understand! Why would you do this to yourself?!

Ty: Do what?

Lizzie: Im asking you a question! What do you think? What is wrong with you! (Lizzies voice gets louder and louder)

Ty: Its only drugs!

Lizzie: Only drugs!?

(Ty pushes Lizzie out of anger and exits shot)

Phone Voicemail Scene
(Lizzie is in a shed-like hut, frantically worrying about her boyfriend. She is leaving voicemails on his phone)

Lizzie: I just don't actually know where you are and I'm a bit worried -

Lizzie: Call me back as soon as you can -

Lizzie: I just don't really know what to do, I don't know where you are are you okay?-

Lizzie: (Dissapointed) Okay.. bye.

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